The Vision

The mission of the Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) is to provide the scientific community with a platform for the publication of innovative research in the fields of social sciences having academic as well as policy value with special reference to Pakistan. JRSS aspires to achieve international standards of quality in publications and gain an influential position in academic and practical contributions.

Aims and Objectives

JRSS attempts to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide a platform to researchers, teachers and students for publication of their original research work in the fields of social sciences.
  • To promote research in social sciences having academic and policy relevance with special reference to Pakistan.
  • To advance an interdisciplinary approach to research across the social sciences disciplines in Pakistan.


The  Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS) welcomes original scholarly works related to all disciplines of social sciences and interdisciplinary domains. Priority is given to the research articles that fall within the purview of the following disciplines of the social sciences:

  • International Relations,
  • Mass Communication,
  • Education,
  • Psychology &
  • Sociology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Quantum Technologies